A Fitness Together Easter
I was asked to direct, film, and edit a fun Easter video for a local personal gym's Facebook page. After being given the script the owner wrote five minutes before filming, I came up with all the shots and improvised small moments for this comedic video. After directing and filming the shoot, I did all post production editing and effects, working closely with the owner to make changes and additions as he requested, adding color grading sound effects, and graphics. On a personal note, I'm really proud of how the video turned out, as it still genuinely brings a smile to my face each time I watch it.
"Fine Dining" Potato Ad
This video was part of a larger project for my Marketing Content Creation class at UTD. While it might not seem like a lot of editing, all characters in this video are me, as I utilized a clever and precise editing technique to make the rotating shot appear to be continuous, despite the hidden cuts and the fact that the camera actually isn't rotating. 
For more detail, we had to launch a full marketing campaign based on a randomly assigned organization's needs, The United Potato Growers of America, whose request was to raise awareness for potatoes as a food option. We focused in on the need to show that Potatoes were both versatile as an ingredient and healthy to consume. This silly ad was meant to demonstrate how a commercial could be made covering those points. We had planned to have multiple actors, but when Covid-19 shut down out UTD, I had to make do with just myself.
JASPER Consulting Q&A Video
I was hired to create a series of short explainer videos for the JASPER Consulting company website.  I filmed the subject reciting their script in front of a green screen and lighting set up I had created, and edited them into the video format they desired, everything from color keying the background out to basic edits and asset overlays. I then created original motion graphics to use in the video and give it a cohesive and professional presentation.
Personal Editing Compilation
This video is simply a quick editing grab-bag of several scenes I've filmed and edited. Since I have experience editing short and long films, which don't fit well in a portfolio, I've taken from various short films and sketches I've made over the years. From parodying noir sequences to ridiculous comedy skits, these silly scenes are meant to showcase the wide variety of skills I have to apply to future projects.

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